

Well, firstly, as I said, the filename should be without extension. So not film.sub, only film. Then the "no matching language" mesage may mean that you didn't choose language (the subtitle track - there can be multiple languages available, MPlayer must know which one to choose).

So try something like this:

mplayer -vobsub film -vobsubid 0 film.avi

Try various numbers (0-31) for the -vobsubid.

Or, you can specify the language with the -slang option instead, for example :

mplayer -slang pl,en -vobsub film film.avi

如果用 vobsub 字幕,最好配合 -vf expand, 调整字幕的位置,like

mplayer -vobsub gonewithwind -vf expand=0:-60:0:0 -subpos 70 gonewithwind.avi

